We Continue Our Look At Some Of The Awesome PokmonĪnew Pokémon Trading Card Game expansion has arrived, and with it comes a bevy of wonderful new cards. However, we must now discuss an incredibly important drawback that comes with using these insanely powerful Tag Team GX Pokémon. With some damage boosting tool cards, many of these Tag Team GX Pokémon can easily be hitting for 250 + damage in a single round, knocking out just about any other Pokémon in the format. The latter of which, fortunately for your opponents sake can only be used once per match.
In addition to this, they feature immensely powerful normal and GX attacks. For example, look at Evee & Snorlax GX who have 270 HP, or Magikarp & Wailord GX who have a whopping 300 HP!